Winning or Losing?

How many times has a fiery argument been lost, and the winner is later proven wrong? I vehemently defended a position in my younger years, only to find another factor I had not considered.

But lately I have become more considered and reflective in my approach. Time and the compounding interest of experience must be allowed to do their work.

I have steadily grown into the belief that being wrong about something is an opportunity to grow. Time and experiences gained have taught me that pride is a dangerous thing, especially when looking for the truth.

Listen to Boris Becker talk about the mindset of winning and losing, especially when somebody else is just a bit better than you on the day.

Defending your sports title is not life and death, it is important that you can appreciate winning and losing. Pride needs to be there in your sportsmanship, not just the trophy that you may or may not win.

These days, I believe that there are absolute truths and that many truths change over time. Something that is true today is not necessarily true tomorrow.

Even the things that I hold as sacred truths are only seen in the limited space of my consciousness, but they are far more reaching and expansive than my limited mental hard drive. New aspects and implications of those truths often emerge as I dig deeper, which takes time to stop and reflect.

Added to this there is the fact that we do not walk in others’ footsteps and while something may be morally right or wrong we must see the situation the person is standing in when we make a judgement call.

No one has a monopoly on truth, and science continues to advance. Yesterday’s heresies may be tomorrow’s conventional wisdom.

Dean Ornish

This week, let’s all not dwell on our past or anyone else’s failings. With the present situation in the world, we must decide, more than usual, how we will strengthen our own foundations. Let us just commit to moving forward and doing what we can to change us and ‘our world’ first before trying to change ‘the world.’

Remember that being different is our biggest asset and we don’t have to be like everyone else. If you need a keynote speaker or presenter on neurodiversity, private message me today to book your next presentation.

Thanks for reading! I’d love you to share your thoughts in the comment space below!

Dave Brebner.

Dave Brebner – Keynote Speaker, Organisational Neurodiversity Educator and Storyteller.

As a neurodiverse public speaker and presenter, Dave Brebner specialises in using educational neuroscience to explore pathways for professionals and engage in inclusive discussions for diverse audiences. Living with Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorders since an early age, he is married with six children and one grandchild. He recently added a Master of Educational Neuroscience to his qualifications to further deepen his understanding of the neurodiverse mind, including his qualifications in Trades & Training, Adult Education, Vocational and Workplace Training, and a Master of Education degree in Career Development. Dave is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia, and you can learn more about Dave’s work at

#motivation #careers #gettingthingsdone #educationandschools #success  #difference #youngadults #careercounselling #successions

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