Sometimes, through fear or regret, we do not change course when we know we should.
Like a gambler who keeps trying to win back their losses only to lose more, we keep trying and losing.
In my recent article ‘Changing Outcomes‘, I talked about how ‘we keep getting what we get because we keep doing what we are doing’ and that can be through fear of making mistakes.
It takes real courage to let a failed dream go or accept the loss of money and pride on a project that did not work out.
I have had to do this many times, but because I am crazy enough to try things out, I also succeed at lots more things than most other people.
Consequently, I have a collection of moments in time that have changed my life. I bet that you do too.
‘A person who never made a mistake…never tried anything new!’ – Einstein
Many many years ago, I was contemplating my failing business slipping away through my lack of confidence and the oncoming GFC.
As I sat there, I looked across at the windows of the local Community College and noticed a course for trainers. My wife had told me a few years earlier that I should try that direction but discouraged and lacking confidence, I had thought little of it at the time.
Things were getting dire, we were close to losing our home with advancing debts and there were non-stop bills coming in for us and our five small children.
I stood up and walked over to read the pamphlet in the window.
Something stirred in me and I realised that I had little to lose in doing the course and seeing if it suited me. I was always good at training people, for whoever I was working for and enjoyed communicating ideas.
I rang my wife and she said ‘go for it’.
Five minutes later I signed up and this small un-premeditated action has changed our lives forever.
Fast forward many years and my wife and I were talking one day about our failures. She said she believed that ‘nothing will be wasted’. Another friend said the same thing to me the very same day. Amazingly, this proved to be true and even my mistakes, have now paid dividends. Those same mistakes assisted in securing my later teaching positions and even my worst experiences have become topics to teach others on their vocational journeys.
Sitting here twelve years later I am highly qualified with 11 years of solid teaching under my belt and an expanding career which for which I have passion and good financial rewards. Our business debts are paid and we have move in to exciting new areas of teaching and business.
We all have ‘crash and burns’ and it is tricky to remember that failures are just single events and not ongoing lifestyles.
Have the courage this week to let go of those things that are lost causes and spiritual, emotional or financial money pits.
Move on! Clear a space and make room for rest and for the blessings ahead! Remember that being different is your biggest asset and you don’t have to be like everyone else.
If you need a career coach, drop me an email or private message today to get you on the right track.
Dave Brebner.
About the Author:
Dave is an Adult Educator, Speaker and Youth leader living in Western Sydney, Australia where he teaches the Electrical Trades at the Western Sydney Institute. He has Diplomas in Business and Training, a Bachelors Degree in Adult Education, Vocational and Workplace Training and a Masters of Education with a major in Career Development. He has lived with Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety Disorders since an early age. He is married with 6 children. He is a passionate coach and mentor to young people especially in the vocational guidance and career development areas. Dave is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia and has authored a course on Living with Tourette’s which you can study and purchase online through his website –
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[…] success stories I have read about is summed up in one word: Persistence. Alter your dreams and know when something is not the right path and let it go. However, find another path to the top of the […]
[…] stories I have read about is summed up in that one word: Persistence. Alter your dreams and know when something is not the right path and let it […]