Good Advice v Opinion

It is amazing how often people have an opinion to share these days.

When I was younger, people often listened to a discussion on a subject they knew little about and were interested in hearing other people’s views. These days, with the advent of mass media and the digital age, so many think they are informed about things and want to advise you.

Once, when I was considering making an investment decision, I shared the idea with a handful of older co-workers, who discouraged me because they had heard from their aunties, sisters, and budgies’ ex-owners that it was risky and I should not do it.

Free advice is worth the price you paid.

– Tim McGraw

I did not proceed with it, and I know that if I had, I would be significantly wealthy today. I now know that I should have examined the situations of those who offered their wisdom more closely. Reflecting later, I realised that those co-workers had not achieved much in their lives and were just static in their progress.

I often wonder whether people who are critical of others’ ideas are often simply afraid to go the extra step. In their fear, they talk down new ideas if they sense that they might disturb their mediocrity.

However, I have found that everyone has a financial story of the ‘one that got away’. These mistakes, if used as learning devices, will hopefully assist us in growing in wisdom and wealth later on when opportunities arise.

You will notice that there are no monuments to critics throughout the world—only monuments to those who did something. In a survey about the regrets of elderly people in the USA, one regret surfaced continuously. The regrets were mostly not of what they did do but of what they did not do in their lives, and missed opportunities were featured largely.

I do not recommend blind leaps of faith or waiting until everything is perfect, and no faith has to be exercised at all. I believe that we can take steps towards the future with good research and sound, educated advice. There are never any absolute guarantees in any adventure, and if you didn’t have to stretch beyond the safety of your position, you would never grow.

Look at those who always played for safety in everything. Are they still where they were before? If I am content with who and where I am, I will not envy or compare myself or my circumstances to others, nor try to steal anything or anyone from anyone else.

Remember that being different is our biggest asset and we don’t have to be like everyone else. If you need a keynote speaker or presenter on neurodiversity, private message me today to book your next presentation.

Dave Brebner – Keynote Speaker, Organisational Neurodiversity Educator and Storyteller.

As a neurodiverse public speaker and presenter, Dave Brebner specialises in using educational neuroscience to explore pathways for professionals and engage in inclusive discussions for diverse audiences. Living with Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, and Anxiety Disorders since an early age, he is married with six children and one grandchild. He recently added a Master of Educational Neuroscience to his qualifications to further deepen his understanding of the neurodiverse mind, including his qualifications in Trades & Training, Adult Education, Vocational and Workplace Training, and a Master of Education degree in Career Development. Dave is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia, and you can learn more about Dave’s work at


You can view or book an event at your school or workplace! Get in contact with me.

I also give larger presentations at symposiums, conferences, and exhibitions, sharing my story and an Australian perspective on positive ways to beat the stigma of Tourette’s Syndrome.

#motivation #careers #gettingthingsdone #educationandschools #success  #difference #youngadults #careercounselling #successions

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